Looking for a great warm up for your kids yoga classes? This book is the perfect place to start. Tiptoe Joe has a secret to share. One by one he invites his friends to come along to find out what the surprise is! Possible yoga poses include donkey (donkey kicks), rabbit (bunny hops or rabbit pose - sasangasana), turkey (seated wide leg balance - merudandasana), moose (warrior 1 with hands on head to make antlers), owl (seated twist), & beaver (laying on stomach place hands under chin and elbows on ground - these are your beaver teeth, then bend your knees to lift your beaver tail and slap slap slap |
it on the water). The book introduces each animal one by one along with a sound to represent them, this is the part I love. Each time the sound comes up again in the book, I ask the children to repeat the pose. Eventually all the animals are lined up together tiptoeing through the forest to find Joe's surprise and the kids can use their memory to link the sounds to the poses. You also have the option of doing a quiet breath. Joe asks his friends to be extra quiet by saying "shhhhhhhhh" as they tiptoe along, you can ask the children to help Joe out by taking a deep breath in through their nose & exhale "shhhhhhhhh". In my experience, I find this book and warm up exercise to be engaging for children ages 3 - 10, especially when incorporating the memory component for the older children. Hopefully you'll enjoy Joe & all the fun he'll bring to your classes!
Be bright, be bold, be you - LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE!
Love you,