Once again, the strong and brave warrior makes an appearance in our Pose of the Week Series. Although this warrior looks a little different than Warrior 2, he/she continues to inspire courageousness & strength of body and mind!
Warrior 1
Aka: Moose, Rhino, Bull, Dragon, Fencing, Sword fight, and soooo many more... Just use your imagination!
How to:
7. Take several breaths while holding this posture, allowing the hips to sink a little lower with each exhale.
Fun Variations:
All of our variations this week have to do with arm positioning.... change the arms, change the name, voila! New pose.
- Moose: Same stance, but bring your thumbs to connect on the sides of your head, fingers spread out wide! Now you have moose antlers and can even explore making some silly moose calls.
- Rhino: Same stance. this time bring your palms together and connect the heels of your hands onto your nose. There's your rhino horn!
- Bull: Same stand, same arms, however we will bring the palms in to touch to create our bull horn! Bend forwards from the hips to charge.
- Dragon: Same stand, but bring your arms out to the side to make dragon wings! Flap them up as you breath in, down as you breath out... then even blow some fire out of your mouth!
- Fencing/sword fight: Pull out your weapon and battle it out with an imaginary foe or a partner in the class (great for a sports or pirate themed class).
- Stretches the chest and lungs, shoulders and neck, belly, and groin.
- Strengthens the shoulders and arms, and the muscles of the back.
- Strengthens and stretches the thighs, calves, and ankles.
- Makes your whole body feel strong, makes you brave and fierce like a warrior!
- Circus tent/pyramid: Stand directly in front of a partner facing one another, and come into warrior 1 so that you are mirroring each other. Reach arms up, and instead of keeping your palms facing in, turn them forwards to connect with your partner. When you connect, the shape you form with your body is similar to that of a triangle! Imagine the possibilities in name variations with this one! Have fun :)
I truly hope that you are enjoying this pose of the week series! Please comment below with your own ideas or experiences with Warrior 1. Also, be sure to check out our other fun postings for more ideas on how to brighten up your class with fun variations, new names, and partner poses: Warrior 1, Locust Pose, Boat Pose, Downward Facing Dog, Seated Forward Fold, & Chair Pose.
Stay true friends! Be bright, be bold, be you!
In love,